Are you ready to sell books and courses on auto-pilot?

Discover how to write, publish, and spread your message worldwide through the power of self-publishing and online marketing.
This comprehensive video training course helps you from idea to publishing to creating entire seminars and courses for your ideal customer.

Price: $997

Sale price $97

Order now and get instant access.

Includes lifetime access to current online member's: training area, 12 videos, 8 Audio MP3 files, 4 PDF books, and bonuses worth $1,000+.

Plus you get full access to this course and all future updates of this course.


This online self-study course will take you step by step through the process of:

Now, this seven step in-depth video and audio training is worth ten times what we are charging for it because your career as an author and luminary should be making you 6 to 7 figures a year in revenue.

This program will absolutely explain and walk you through all seven steps to being a successful self-publisher.

This is a not a course about taking your word file and placing it on (Most people who do that languish in the bottom of the sales list and hardly sell one copy a month.) We love Amazon, but this course is about the big picture. It’s not just about and Kindle, even though both are essential pieces to your publishing puzzle.

The reason why my hourly consulting rate is $1000 an hour is because I have insights that only a handful of other people have on the planet related to the publishing, author, and internet marketing world.

I have stuffed 23 years of publishing into this easy-to-follow online training system.

Look, there are a lot of books on Kindle, writing a book, internet marketing, and even dozens on self-publishing. None…. None can provide you the step-by-step strategy I have been using for over a decade to create residual income and live a lifestyle most envy. If this strategy was common knowledge, everyone would already be doing it. The system I have created is simple to follow…but it will take work on your part.

If you are not willing to learn, work, and apply the strategies…this program is not for you.

Most authors want to start their journey into writing and publishing at Step 5...

...but you will find the most value in approaching self-publishing in an entirely new way with Step 1. If you skip a step or go out of sequence, it could be deadly to your business and your status as a successful author.

Within each step, I explain in massive detail using video screen capture videos. For example: as part of Step 2, I take you through the process using a recorded video, explaining which websites, which search engines, and which tools I actually use. It’s like you are looking over my shoulder as I explain such important topics as:

All of the seven steps are essential to having a lasting online and offline publishing business. This is an international business methodology for which I will help you create a map and a model.

This product is ideal for first time authors and a “God Send” for experienced authors and publishers that haven’t seen the sales numbers you expected when you first decided to write.

Once you enroll, you will be asked to create a user name and login. This will get you unlimited access to all 7 Video Training Modules, all videos, plus all the audio and downloadable bonuses.

At first, I was not going to show you the title of the 7 steps. The reason for this is that I had the fear that the arrogant people in the audience might read the step titles and say to themselves "I already know that.” Well, if they did, they would already be making $100,000 a year with their information. So, I’ve decided to give you a quick overview and point out that no matter your level of experience… the content inside each step will provide a system and insight which is “new” for you.

This course is so much more than teaching you how to upload your book to Amazon or even publish on Kindle. Those steps are important (no doubt), but in the context of success, they are merely footnotes in the bigger, more important BLUEPRINT of moving through the 7 step system.

But I must tell you... the bonuses alone are worth far more than the purchase price. I’ve even included HTML templates and all of my private list of recommended software programs.But, there is more in the form of audio interviews and mp3 files.


I am giving away one of my best-selling books (which customers around the world pay for every day). I’m doing this for a couple of reasons:

  1. So you can see the structure of how we delivery online content.
  2. You can see the process from sale to delivery. I’ll even show you the sales letter, the behind the scenes technology, the entire sales process which allows you to see one model of success. This 434-page book will help you break through any emotional or mental blocks you might have, which extend beyond me giving you the full “map” of success to the self-publishing world.


I think the most essential and most valuable component of this course are the personal interviews I conducted with some of the weathliest and most successful people on the planet in the publishing, coaching, and speaking business.

This includes a detailed 90-minute interview with the publicist (Mr. MVN) who booked me on over 1,000 radio shows. We sold up to $30,000 worth of books and CDs off of a single radio appearance.

I interviewed Mr. J.A., the star of The Secret. He owns a $3 million-a-year “teaching / publishing “ company selling personal development. He shares the keys to changing your belief system to step up your game as a teacher, author, and coach.

I interviewed Ms. P. She is the founder of a training program for holistic practitioners. If one of your skillsets is massage therapy, NLP, hypnotherapy, counseling, or something that would be considered holistic in lifestyle, this will be gold for your business.

In our interview, Ms P. mapped out an exact business model and pricing model to create a six-figure business.

I also include an interview with one of America’s highest-paid speakers, Mr. M. He outlines the exact formula for getting hired to speak on stage in college markets, as well as building a six-figure speaking business.

There are tons of other bonuses of interesting million-dollar publishers, like Chris W. Chris explains why publishing a three-hour audio can triple your revenue and expand your audience worldwide in a very short period of time.

There’s a lot of amazing perspectives inside these audio interviews, and they’re all free bonuses.

Plus, they include a complete word-for-word transcript, you can read them as well as listen to the interviews with them. The bonuses alone are worth far more than the course… but that is our philosophy: underpromise and over deliver on value.

Even if you never listen to the Bonus Expert Interviews, the Video course explaining the 7 Step Self-Publishing formula will provide all that you need to get started in the self-publishing business.

It’ll give you a step-by-step roadmap to publishing your information in a way that the world can benefit, get your message out and begin your life as an author, an expert, and a celebrity who has published a book and is recognized worldwide.


I'm going to give you a handfull of other bonuses which will prove invaluable to your career as an author:

The buy button is below. Buy it now. Get instant access upon payment using our secure interactive membership website.

Order Now


Tel: 310-684-3048

About My Crazy Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

Everybody asks me, “Bart, it's only a few hundred bucks and it's all digital... why offer such a generous guarantee?” Why? Because I do not care if it is one dollar, seventeen dollars, or seventeen million, I will always give you more than what you paid for. Plus, I trust people to do the right thing. If I give extremely valuable content, very few people will ever ask for a refund. If they do, Oh, well... I can sleep at night knowing I kept my word.

It’s that karma thing again. I offer the same guarantee on all my programs... even the ones that cost over a thousand dollars. Full money-back guarantee. That is why we've been the world's #1 handwriting website since 1996 serving happy customers with integrity.

My credit card company says I can only legally give a 365-day guarantee, so that’s what I do. But if you EVER want a refund all you have to do is let us know. Although refunds or complaints are rare, I have hired one person to handle customer service; Christine. Her direct email is is support @ empresse publishing . com . Just drop her an email and she will resolve your problem, no questions asked.

Self-Publishing Changed Their Destiny.
Are you ready to move beyond Amazon in your journey?