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Now, my secret weapon for people who really want to “find a publisher”.
She’s not cheap… but worth every penny. Wendy Keller.
How to Create an Excellent, Salable Book Proposal
with senior agent Wendy Keller
Nonfiction books include everything from business or self-help books to memoirs and true crime.
Nonfiction books are sold using a very specific, precisely created document called a “book proposal”.
Nonfiction books should be sold before they are written. Learning to craft a strong proposal is at least as important as being able to write the book itself once it is sold, because without a good proposal, it just won’t get sold.
This video course was recorded in studio. It features our senior literary agent Wendy Keller explaining very clearly, step-by-step, the psychology behind a book proposal that sells and the exact, precise steps to take to create one that will attract agents and then publishers. Having sold more than 1,200 deals worldwide in nearly 25 years, Wendy has refined, honed and improved on her method for proposal writing to make it as easy and efficient for you as possible. This is truly the “best of” what she’s taught approximately 23,000 writer in her career.
In this course, you’ll learn how to create a well-executed, salable book proposal that appeals to publishing industry professionals. As you complete the clear, organized assignments in the complimentary PDFs, you will be writing a book proposal that shows off your book idea in its best light. You’ll also learn what publishers (and therefore agents) are looking for and how to get it. You’ll also be given a peek into the way the publishing industry works on the inside, which is like knowing the winning lottery numbers before you buy the ticket.
In this class, you will learn how to:
- Identify whether you and your idea are ready to be sold (and if not, what to do about it now)
- How to draft and edit your book proposal for maximum attraction
- Learn why some authors get big advances and others don’t even get contracts
- Organize and plan your book itself so its easier to write once sold
- Figure out how you will make your book successful, starting today — before it is even sold
- Write a query email or letter to agents that grabs our attention and gets your proposal read
- Understand the inner workings of the nonfiction publishing industry
- Discover how to leverage your natural aptitudes, knowledge and talents to make your book sell well
- Prepare yourself and your book to work most effectively with the people who help you (agents, editors)
- Feel confident that what you are offering agents and then editors clearly reflects the value of your message
By the end of this video course, you will have:
A salable nonfiction book proposal ready to send out to agents and the ability to get the highest possible advance for your work.
Authors who have learned and applied Wendy’s unique method of proposal writing have sold their books to every major publisher and most mid-range publishers in the USA and most major European publishers.
Simon and Schuster, HarperCollins, Hachette, Random House, McGraw-Hill, Hyperion, Workman, Wiley, St. Martin’s, Penguin, Macmillan and literally hundreds more publishers and imprints worldwide.
The course you’re about to take includes:
- Video Lessons: Watch a short (10–15 minute) video that will stimulate your brain and teach you the WHY behind the components of your book proposal. There are 5 of them.
- Assignments: Each video comes with a PDF that has your assignment. Do the assignments sequentially, as the logic behind each builds on the one before.
Our goal with this video course is to make Wendy’s profoundly successful training available to every nonfiction author who longs to create a salable, excellent nonfiction book proposal.
Retail $159. Now just $99
You might also be interested in this bigger, more expensive course by W. Keller:
How to grow a platform for your
Writing Career by W. Keller.